Try our 30-day free trial with your students and teachers today.

Get your classes set-up and start typing in as little as 5 minutes! Access anywhere,anytime from any computer connected to the internet.
Designed especially for school use, All The Right Type has many customizable options and features to to easily manage classes of all sizes, or at the school or district level.
You never have to worry about your students being bombarded by ads. Learn to type with no unnecessary distractions!

Learn how to touch type in the most effective and efficient way with All The Right Type's no nonsense approach. Our learning methodology was designed by keyboarding specialists so that you will see positive results quickly.
From school or from home you can continue your lesson where you left off to improve your typing skills and save valuable time. All The Right Type was designed especially for school use and has all the tools teachers need to help their students improve their typing skills.
Why All The Right Type is Your School's Best Choice
Picture All The Right Type is a beneficial program that has been used in intermediate classrooms at Aspengrove School for many years. The students love that they are able
to practice both in the classroom and at home, they find the program easy to navigate, and they enjoy the games. As a teacher, I find the program easy to set-up, students are able to enhance their spelling and word decoding, and this program can make a skill that can feel repetitive more enjoyable and purposeful. Picture

- Mindy Livingston, Grade 4 teacher, Aspengrove School
Picture We have been using All The Right Type for over ten years in our Information Processing classes and it's become a staple of the course. The structure that it provides
makes it is easy for students to follow and develop their typing skills. The admin tools make it easy for teachers to set students up with the appropriate learning and then track their progress. Students of all levels and abilities continue to find success with this program. Picture

- Noah Boivin, Sir John A MacDonald School
Picture I don't think I have ever left any feedback but we have been using All The Right Type for (I believe) over ten years! What a blessing it has been to have something that does not
have extra and unnecessary fluff and distractions. You are a program we can trust for our kids. I hope it stays that way as it seems to be getting harder and harder to find online resources that don't interject inappropriate content for kids. Picture

- Elizabeth A, Home School user
Picture When I was in middle school in 2001-3 typing was my favorite class by far. We used All The Right Type and I absolutely loved it. I was able to type 100 WPM and I still
can! When I type around a new person they usually look at me a little shocked. I have had several jobs that hired me based on my speed. I loved ATRT so much that I made a promise to myself to use it for my child when I was a parent. It's 2024, and my son is 10 years old and in middle school and I just found out they don't teach typing in school anymore! The most important skill! I got an ATRT subscription immediately to work with him. Thank you All The Right Type! Picture

- Cindy P, Parent
All The Right Type
All The Right Type has four types of lessons that support immediate reinforcement (learn, practice, skill and test). If "sequencing" is turned on, users must follow the learning pattern designed by keyboarding specialists. The maintenance section has many exceptional features for managing the account.
All The Right Type

SSO Login Options
Single Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication process that allows users to access multiple applications or systems with just one set of login credentials (such as username and password). In essence, it enables users to log in once and gain access to all authorized resources without being prompted to log in again at each subsequent system.
Picture Picture Picture

Theme Pages
User interface is changeable, so that All The Right Type is enjoyed by all ages. Improving keyboarding skills is like swimming. Everyone needs to start at the same point, however, learners can progress at their own speed with different goals. Our lessons and learning methodology focus on finger reach and automaticity, therefore, advance keyboarding skills as quickly as possible.

Hand Position
Animated fingers, to display proper fingering and reach. Users are then presented with several lines of text which they must type correctly to progress to the next key. If a mistake is made, users will see immediate feedback in the form of an animation of the correct fingering and reach.
Try our 30-day free trial with your students and teachers today.

After completing each line in the "learn" type lesson, users will see a report and get immediate feedback finger analysis. A critical All The Right Type advantage is the letter-by-letter error checking to report the individual finger that the user should focus on. The program will prompt users to redo the lesson if they have not achieved the level of accuracy set by the account administrator.

The keys presented are the same keys that students have learned in the previous "learn" type lesson; however, the learning focus has moved to using the letters in words and sentences.

We have two types of games: Lesson Games which follow the same letters that users have learned if sequencing (time-tested effective learning order) has been turned on, and Themed Games. In themed games we have also incorporated basic math keyboarding (number-pad) lessons as well as "dictation" or "note-taking" type games to reinforce keyboarding without text to copy. All game results are tracked into the database for recordkeeping.

The Admin has the control to modify, create and sequence lessons to better suit the needs of their users.
Try our 30-day free trial with your students and teachers today.
Records for Test
The Admin can record test scores, user's words-per-minute (WPM), and accuracy and errors. These records track user's performance and progress.

Generate certificates to recognize individual user's achievements and performance.

Add/Import Teachers and Students
Users can be added one by one or large numbers of students may be imported using an industry standard comma-separated values (CSV) file format.
Try our 30-day free trial with your students and teachers today.


Picture       EASY SET-UP
  • Access online from any device with internet
  • Teacher Maintenance options to manage schools/classes
  • Upload students in "bulk" via CSV file
  • Create classes and users
  • Move students between classes or to another school
  • Login Cards
    Picture       CUSTOMIZABLE
  • Create your own practice text or lesson game
  • Upload your own custom text for lessons
  • Upload students in "bulk" via CSV file
  • Add your school logo or custom image
  • Resize browser window to increase to preferred font size
    Picture       ENGAGING AND FUN
  • Over 600 typing lessons
  • Theme keyboarding games to suit your interests
  • Compete against other All The Right Type users in the Championship Challenge
  • Dictation games to practice transcribing
  • Learn at your own speed and set your own goals
    Picture       SMART LEARNING
  • Proven pedagogical learning methods
  • Sequencing to guide you through lessons
  • Posture review
  • Animation to show proper finger reach and position
  • Finger analysis
  • Keypad lessons
  • Immediate feedback
  • Narration and Reinforcement
    Picture       REPORT & TESTING
  • Timed and speed tests
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Calculate your WPM (words per minute)
  • Real time class status report
  • Classroom and individual reports
  • Report Cards
  • Certificates
  • Record keeping for assessment
    Picture       SUPPORT
  • Guided easy set-up
  • FAQ's, email, and free technical support
  • Video help tutorials
  • We welcome feedback on how to enhance the program
    Choose Your Version


    Great for professionals
    or students for one user
    $5 USD/monthly
    $40 USD/yearly
    Learn to type or
    increase your typing speed.
    Lesson sequencing learning method designed by keyboarding specialists. 

    All ages
    1 subscription


    1 admin account,
    plus up to 5 users
    $8 USD/monthly
    $60 USD/yearly
    Same program as the school version, but with simplified features to easily manage a smaller group or class size. Great for homeschools, groups or families.

    ​All ages
    6 subscriptions


    For Schools or Districts,
    up to 5000+ users
    Ready-to-use typing program with many easy features for managing classes of all sizes, or at the school or district level.

    All ages
    1 - 5000+ subscriptions